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For almost a year you’ve been able to buy HELP AUSTRALIA T-shirts in the BUSHMAN.cz e-shop and in our stores (when we’ve been able to open them). The impetus for their introduction was the devastating fires that hit Australia a year ago, so 300 Crowns from each T-shirt sold has gone to the Prague Zoo collection ‘Helping Them Survive’. The collection is designed to help selected organizations in Australia that contribute to the protection of nature and endangered species.

The current proceeds in the amount of 163,000 Crowns were handed over by the representatives of the BUSHMAN brand to the Prague Zoo on December 18 last year. "We are honored to support Australian projects through Prague Zoo. Firstly, because we have been cooperating with it for a long time in the supply of employee uniforms, and also because the idea to create the brand was born more than 22 years ago in the Australian bush," says Petr Hulec, CEO of the BUSHMAN brand.

Zoo Praha se doposud na pomoc Austrálii podařilo získat neuvěřitelných 23 milionů korun. „Část těchto prostředků byla poskytnuta na léčení zvířat bezprostředně postižených požáry, zejména koalů,“ přibližuje zacílení sbírky a pomoc ředitel Zoo Praha Miroslav Bobek. „Další finance pak putovaly na ochranu ohrožených druhů původní fauny, jejichž situaci požáry ještě zhoršily, zde jde například o výskyt paropuch corroboree a vakoplchů trpasličích, či na podporu vybraných chráněných území.“

Prague Zoo has so far managed to raise an incredible 23 million Crowns to help Australia. "Part of these funds was provided for the treatment of animals directly affected by fires, especially Koalas," explains Miroslav Bobek, director of the Prague Zoo, about the targeting of the collection and the assistance it is covering. "Additional funds went to the protection of endangered species of native fauna, the already critical situation of which was exacerbated by the fires, such as the occurrence of corroboree vultures and dwarf weasels, or to support selected protected areas."

Prague Zoo cooperates with the following organizations: Victoria Zoos, Adelaide Zoo, Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife, WIRES and Mt Rothwell, The Australian Ecosystems Foundation, Secret Creek Sanctuary and the University of New South Wales.

Již 1. prosince předala pražská zoo značce

Already on December 1st, Prague Zoo presented the Wild Richard award to the BUSHMAN brand, among other things, for supporting its Australian collection through the sale of HELP AUSTRALIA T-shirts.

BUSHMAN continues to offer the T-shirts to its customers and the proceeds of 300 Crowns from each piece sold go to the account of the collection ‘Helping Them Survive’ as above.