Get to know us
Tested on human beingsAdventurers, travellers, conservationists, scientists, reporters, photographers… We dress famous people who share common values with us. And they share with us their experiences with proper BUSHMAN clothing.December 4, 2023
Your ideal fashion? Joyful, clean and comfortableHaving a full closet, and still saying "I’ve nothing to wear" can be a sign that your clothes simply don't reflect your personality. "Many people are not really aware of what kind of activities – and to what extent - they are doing," says Kamila Vodochodská, Ambassador of the BUSHMAN brand.July 13, 2021
Petr HorkĂ˝: to every man there belongs a certain dimension of heroismWhat did director and documentary filmmaker, producer, writer, Youtuber and traveller Petr HorkĂ˝ learn during his polar expeditions? Why does he refuse to be solely dependent on his work and why is it important for him to fulfill his life dream? Or at least try for it?May 24, 2021