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Introduction ALL ARTICLES Luck favours the brave or How we cleaned the Sázava

Luck favours the brave or How we cleaned the Sázava

Out to clean the Sázava River - the traditional spring cleaning of the banks of one of our most beloved rivers, but also an opportunity to meet up other than in the office - and to be out in the air, testing our products in the muddy terrain, chatting and doing something for Nature. And this project's been getting a good bashing over the last few years!
So why clean the river? Because it's natural to be interested in the places where we live (most of us in the team live by the Sázava River, and those who don't actually live here do work here 😊... and it's a necessity, as we found out after an hour of cleaning in the soaked terrain (and of course the sun wasn't shining… did you expect the weather to get wise just because of us?).

What have we seen? 
  • Guys.... when you want romance on the river or along the river,  think about the fact that a mom and her kids might be walking there a few hours after you, or that you just don't feel like casting a line and pulling in some lacy bra or old knickers out of the water instead of a pike.
  • Keep in mind that tyres are not some kitten. You don't drown in the river without someone noticing. We may have muscles of iron and nerves of granite, but pulling tyres and rims out of the river isn't exactly a dream come true.
  • Us Czechs are a nation of beer drinkers and we fully respect that - after all, it was not for nothing that my colleague Pavel lured us to a keg of Pilsner on his 60th birthday, not to bottles of Prosecco, but please: properly dispose of those cans of Kozel and Hubert! It doesn't impress the fish, and it's keeping us too bloody busy.

Otherwise, we all enjoyed our day within the framework of our project TO CLEAN THE RIVER SAZAVA very much. We filled about 12 bags of rubbish, disposed of them in an orderly manner, found out that we are closer to each other than it may seem at the weekly meetings in the office, and that our Republic is damn beautiful… despite the rain. And if anyone was absent, it was only because their work diary was bursting at the seams, or they were struck down by a bug stronger than their desire to go out.
  • But for Verča, thanks to whom the e-shop and all the discount promotions work...
  • Lucka, our "busy bee", who grabs everything and doesn't shy away from anything...
  • Vlasta, thanks to whom we have such a wide range of practical accessories...
  • Evička, who is always looking for new, promising Bushman souls...
  • The girls from the customer phone line and Libuška and Míša from B2B, or our beloved, peaceful accountant Lucka.
  • And Peter, our helmsman, who quietly but carefully makes sure that we do what we are supposed to do and that we have fun, and whose most frequent phrase is: "We can do it, we are, after all, Bushmen..."
And so we did it: the clean-up of the Sázava, but also we were at the same time ridding ourselves of the hard times of Covid or the weeks or months of delayed deliveries of goods thanks to the economic crisis. And we’ll continue to do so… tirelessly, stubbornly, with full commitment. Because as clichéd as it may seem, we're happy where we are. And we're there because of you!

So what can I say in conclusion?

Friends – everything that’s fun can be worth something! Have fun, live, take risks, push to the limits, but clean up after yourselves! After all, that too is a hallmark of us Bushmen, people who live for people and Nature, and especially those who love the local life.

You can find more moments captured in the photo gallery below this article :).